"The benefits of bartering are limited only by your creativity... business owners are discovering that bartering can become an integral component of their business plans, enabling them to see higher profits... and improve their business and personal lives."
The COSTCO Connection
"Barter is a way to sell products/services, buy items at your wholesale markup and reach new customers."
Nation's Business
"Businesses large and small use trade exchanges in their local cities to stretch their hard-earned dollars."
Los Angeles Times
"Offer up a $100 lunch to a trade exchange member and you've earned $100 towards another members services, even if they never visit your restaurant"
Money Dish
"The economy is definitely a great reason to get into organized barter... because it grows businesses no matter what the economy..."
Detroit Free Press
"More and more companies and individuals are turning to barter."
NBC Nightly News
"A growing number of businesses are turning to organized barter... to acquire the goods and services they need without decimating their dwindling cash flow."
Inc Magazine
"Increased competition, less discretionary income and sluggish economy makes bartering in trade exchanges the most effective tool.."
USA Today
"Barter isn't small anymore... About 80% of the world's Fortune-500 Companies use organized barter to..."
Inside Tucson Business
"Bartering that is organized is helping small businesses in the current economic climate stay afloat..."
C & G Newspapers
"More than 770,000 businesses in the US conducted billions of barter transactions last year..."
"Trade exchange members buy and sell from one another using trade dollars, and alternative currency. By bartering for products and services, members generate new sales, offset cash expenses and increase profits. Best of all, businesses can barter using excess capacity/inventory - making this a very advantageous solution..."
Nation's Business Review
"In the past two years, businesses in trade exchanges have increased their sales by 10 - 15% annually compared with 2 - 5% annual growth for non-trading companies."
Wall Street Journal
"Get 10 percent more business through organized barter..."
New York Times
"Rising unemployment and financial setbacks are pushing more Americans to get creative. They're increasingly turning to bartering, the most ancient form of commerce and the new currency for these tough economic times."
ABC News - Diane Sawyer
"In a tough economy, the use of bartering for products or services tends to grow. The increase of formal barter exchanges by businesses can help them grow and expand while the market is tight..."
Business Week
"With the current economy, most of us can't exactly go to a bank for a loan, so some savvy business owners contact their local trade exchange..."
Entrepreneur Magazine
"Restaurant owners, dentists, doctors, graphic designers, relator's and everyday people are all doing it: bartering. Though it's an old concept, it's getting a new twist in the world of e-commerce through local trade exchanges..."
"Whoever said cash is king never tried barter. For business owners grappling with excess capacity and an inability to get financing, bartering is more valuable than cash."
FOX news
"Bartering helps restaurants fill seats, reassuring prospective customers who might be turned off by the sight of a vacant eatery. It also attracts new cash customers when tradespeople bring friends along, reduces some costs and helps retain employees who can't scoop tips off empty tables."
"... businesses use the new barter system to save cash."
ABC news
"Companies that barter are finding new ways to balance their books and improve their profit margins."
"... helps businesses turn under-utilized capacity and unsold goods into revenue - at their full value."
"... but Jenny is not worried. She has been actively trading her excess time for goods and services she previously purchased using cash."
Asian Week
"Organizations have used these barter techniques to pull off big cash-savings plays..."
"The company also benefits by having products distributed worldwide."
FOXnews Channel
"Business owners become recession-proof by offsetting expenses against new barter sales."
CBS News
"Micro-finance gets boost through inflation-proof trade dollars..."
Pattaya People
"... keep your cash in the bank and still buy what you need..."
The Sydney Morning Herald
"... non-cash trade grows as markets crumble."
The Economist
"... and trade exchanges have been an excellent way for business owners to keep cash in their pockets while providing the same benefits to their staff as before."