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Into what your car-wash needs!

We Offer Car Washes & Detail Shops

Almost Everything needed to succeed!

Alaskan car-washes and detail shops have been trading their slow times and unbooked detailing jobs for thousands of Alaskan products and services for more than 24-years. Most detail shops depend upon word-of-mouth to grow their customer bases, while our clients simply advertise whenever they want, and as often as they want - as they can easily afford to.


The vehicle cleaning industry almost always has the ability to serve more clients then they do. And like hotels, unbooked detail jobs and empty stalls cannot be saved to sell later - when the time is over, so is their value. Consider how much these empty stalls and unsold details cost your company.


Fifty less vehicles running through your bays per day at an average retail rate of $20 equals over $7,000 per week or more than $30,000 per month. If EOA could convert just 10-percent of your current lost revenue at your regular pricing (all organized barter transactions are at your regular pricing) this 10-percent increase would in this example equal an additional $3,000 per month in added revenue. Which is what EOA can do for your company!


We provide our detail shops and car wash clients with new customers to help fill those otherwise down times. And these new customers will usually be loyal to you. They normally by-pass your competition to use you and they will not jump like Groupon-ers to the next discounted car wash your competition offers.


It is easy. Simply sell your unused capacity for trade dollar paying customers. EOA handles all the paperwork and you'll make your business a lot more profitable. Our clients can also control the amount of trade dollars they receive per month if they want, thereby only acquiring trade dollars for what they plan on spending.

Spending earned trade dollars instead of cash allows you to keep your cash for other uses. ​​EOA clients use trade dollars instead of cash to pay for locally needed products and services, such as:



And remember, every trade dollar you spend leaves a matching cash dollar in your bank account!


When you purchase goods and services through our 24-year old, 650 Alaskan business owner network, your costs are around 35c on the dollar, as you only accept trade dollars when you'd otherwise have an empty stall or unsold detail time slot.


Let’s do the math:  If your detail job costs are 35% of your sales, then 35% of each job is the wholesale cost of product, and 65% of our fee is a net loss per unoccupied detail job. EOA allows you to monetize those unused car washes and turn them into buying power. Which allows you to negate the loss, by turning vanishing inventory into essential goods and services.


Besides hundreds of Alaskan clients, 90% of which are located in Anchorage; where are also 500 offices located in the lower-48 that represent more than 1 million businesses where Alaskan members can spend their trade dollars. There are also 200 offices located outside of the US, whose office's businesses also accept trade dollars.



Loyal Customers

Wholesale Buying

Fast Financing


Repairs & Maintenance

Employee Benefits

Improved Cash-flow


Easy Authorizations

Tax Advantages

No Extra Bookkeeping

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1994 - 2023 EOA Commerce Network | All Rights Reserved  | (907) 345-8000

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