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Would you like to acquire

your competitors best customers?



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Read below to learn how to turn your

into YOUR best customers!


  • Our clients have been doing this for 24 years.

  • Your competition will not be able to copy you.

  • And this works for almost any Service business.

My mid-sized janitorial company was repeatedly outbid by several larger local firms. After years of losing contracts, I joined EOA Commerce Network and reversed the roles.


Shortly afterward, using one of their many powerful business tools I resubmitted my bids with a slight twist. I gave businesses the opportunity of paying a portion of my cleaning contracts with their products and services, and at their full value.


Being in business myself, I knew that allowing them to pay a percentage of our contract with what they sell would allow them to pay that portion discounted by their usual markup AND I'd also be giving them an additional sale. They realized that my offer would save them thousands of dollars a year over my competitors and I got my first large contracts, with many to follow.


This system also works with the retail side of my business. When I sell cleaning supplies I allow my business customers to trade their products and services for some of my selling price. Which likewise saves my buyers money, which makes them loyal to me.


Now every month my company continues to increase it's market-share while squeezing out my completely helpless competition.

I always make sure that the cash portion of my contracts and product sales cover all non-tradable expenses. Then I use EOA to convert (at full value) all of my "to me useless" client credits into trade dollars, which are loaded onto my EOA card. Which I then use to purchase wanted products and services from my family, business and employees.


For my business I use my card to pay for employee benefits; soaps and rags; construction; embroidered uniforms; equipment; vehicle maintenance; accounting; printing; legal advice and a lot of advertising.


My family locally uses their cards for dining; shopping; entertainment; medical and construction services. We have also enjoyed luxury vacations all over the world! EOA has really improved my family's and my employee's life-styles.


EOA also provides me with a lot of new trade clients; monthly statements; 1099B forms; membership websites and mobile apps; an assigned trade coordinator and a large line-of-credit. My EOA cards even swipe through sellers credit card machines.


Now I wonder how my company survived and how any business survives with out EOA Commerce Network. And my story is duplicable by almost any business.


- Improving your employees lifestyle -

WATCH VIDEO: - It explains how to take & keep your competitors Best Customers!

(907) 345-8000

Besides hundreds of Alaskan clients, 90% of which are located in Anchorage; where are also 500 offices located in the lower-48 that represent more than 1 million businesses where Alaskan members can spend their trade dollars. There are also 200 offices located outside of the US, whose office's businesses also accept trade dollars.

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