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Enhance Your Lifestyle by Bartering:

Writer's picture: EOA Commerce NetworkEOA Commerce Network

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

If you were going to make a large purchase, say to remodel your home, would you rather write a check or make an additional sale through barter, by paying with your own products and services (by bartering with other Alaska business owners) while receiving your own wholesale markup discount?

Alaskan business owners have been growing their businesses while improving their lifestyles for more than 24 years through our statewide and worldwide barter network. Alaskan business owners use us to sell their goods and services at full price, while at the same time saving 50 – 90 percent on their businesses expenses by using our EOA credit card.

Bartering has Never Been So Easy in Alaska!

Alaskan Businesses owners and their employees use the web, or their free Android or iPhone mobile app to find other barter members. Then they barter by simply swiping their Alaskan EOA cards through seller’s credit card terminal or POS system for safe, quick, effortless barter authorizations.

Alaskan businesses have been taking advantage of our powerful business tools to earn trade dollars which they then use to purchase goods and services from other member businesses. Some of our 650 Alaskan businesses have been with us for more than 24 years; and EOA trade credits are spendable worldwide!

EOA has been providing professional assistance since 1994!

80% of the world’s fortune-500 companies use one or more of our 650 affiliate US offices every day to barter! Alaskan businesses use their products and services for our barter financing: loans and barter lines of credit, instead of cash to purchase many of their everyday business expenses. As we continue to try to bring them enough trade sales to repay the loans – so companies can continue acquiring what they need when they need it, without being dependent upon or even effecting their current cash flow.

Barter Lines-of-credit for Alaskan Hotels

Even though interest rates are the lowest they’ve been for many years, financing is very difficult to acquire, and even for those with excellent credit, as banks are very picky who they lend to, as their interest income is so low. However, for the hundreds of Alaskan business that are part of the EOA network, this credit crunch has not been such a hard ship. As EOA has been making low interest barter loans (3% simple interest) and providing Alaskan businesses easy financing for more than 24 years!

EXAMPLE: An Alaskan hotel needed a $100,000 renovation. They approached EOA’s Anchorage Alaska office looking for a barter loan to offset their cash costs. We sat down with them and identified $50,000 in possible barter purchases that was available in Alaska through EOA that they needed for their project. We quickly gave them a $50,000 unsecured barter, low interest line-of-credit, which they subsequently repaid in less than a year – by accepting the barter as payment for their otherwise empty room-nights that would have otherwise not have been rented.

Alaskan EOA cardholders either use their free Android or iPhone mobile apps or EOA membership website to find the barter product or service that they want. EOA cardholders are compelled to bypass their competition, and purchase what they need through barter – because of the way they get to pay (trading which gives them a sale each time they buy.)

Their barter loan created massive benefits for the hotel, over their conventional bank financing. Their Bad loan was easily repaid with $50,000 worth of new barter sales, which was also brought to them by their lender, EOA!

EOA loans also:

1. Brought the hotel new barter sales – from EOA’s huge worldwide customer base.

2. EOA means less competition – because almost all of their competition does not accept the EOA card.

3. Saved the hotel a lot of money – as they repaid their entire barter loan only with additional sales from their otherwise unsold room-nights. Business they would not of had otherwise.

4. Loan repayment did not touch the hotels cash flow – as they did not repay their barter loan with cash earned from their existing customers, but trade dollars earned from new barter customers.

5. Loan debt did not show up on their credit score, that they’d added to their current debt load, however...

6. Hotel’s loan repayment will be added later (after it has been completely paid off) to improve the hotels credit score – if hotel owner wants this.

7. And just like any bank loan, all their barter financing expenses were also tax deductible, with some very powerful added tax benefits.

Since the incremental cost of renting an otherwise empty room for the typical hotel is around 15 percent of rooms selling price, bartering hotel’s actual out-of-pocket cost of paying their loan back was only $7,500 for their $50,000 barter loan!

This thinking also follows the cost structure set by the IRS, who only allows a hotel to deduct the actual incremental “specific out-of-pocket costs” of a donated room-night. CPA’s agree that the IRS is correct in not figuring in the bartering hotel’s usual overhead costs that remain unchanged, and would be there regardless if they rented that room out or not. The actual costs of making incremental sales do not include a business’ overhead costs; and remember, all EOA barter sales are incremental.

When all was said and done, their EOA barter loan was far nicer to their company then their matching $50,000 cash loan (that took weeks of paperwork) they received from their long-time local banker – which their banker only gave them after the hotel could show that they already had half (50%) of the renovation costs covered from a barter loan through Alaska’s EOA office.

Last we heard they are still making monthly cash payments on their bank loan, that each month takes away from their cash flow and does not produce any new customers for their hotel.

Non-EOA, business owners have to rely upon Craigslist Alaska barter to move excess inventory. A huge problem with Craigslist barter is that business have to desire what is offered in Craigslist Alaska for the same value as their offering on Craigslist, and also wanting at the same time as the person offering what they are willing to trade / barter on Craigslist. With Craigslist Alaska barter you are also on your own for any problems that may result from poor performance, delays, or non-performance of offerings. As no one polices ads contents or the ethics of those who sell through Craigslist Alaska barter. For this reason, and for many others, for the last 24 years hundreds of  Alaska barter businesses trade / barter within EOA Commerce Network.

Our dedicated barter staff assures fair business practices among it’s hundreds of Alaskan members, while providing the necessary funding (cash & trade) for optimum business growth. We also issue detailed monthly statements of all member purchases and sales, plus annual 1099B forms for tax purposes.

EOA IS LEGAL And Good For Alaskan Businesses!

The Federal Government, IRS, TEFRA Act, Accounting Principal Board Opinion #29, Financial Accounting Standard Board FASB #30, and CPAs regard EOA trades as a legitimate and legal method of doing business in the United States.

Many Alaska businesses simply swipe buyers EOA cards through their POS and credit card terminals; while buyers use our iPhone and Android mobile apps and websites to search our extensive database when wanting to purchase.

TRAVEL THE WORLD And Spend Almost No Cash!

Alaskan companies can barter with 650 US cities and 250 cities in other countries and in Alaska. They’ve been trading with Alaskan companies for more than 24 years! EOA allows local companies to trade their goods and services for everything from: Tickets on the worlds largest airlines, to hotels, resorts, cruises, car rentals, tourist attractions, shopping, restaurants and more. And businesses can pay for most of it later on with their own products and services.

Travel Worldwide from Alaska through EOA

Worldwide travel from Alaska enhances the value of your barter membership by providing families access to airline tickets, resorts, restaurants, car rentals and other tourist related services worldwide through barter from our office in Alaska. Using trade dollars earned in Alaska to pay for barter travel expenses allows EOA members the ability to travel the world from Alaska – almost cash free.

And our barter travel department provides complete barter booking services for all our members, in and outside of Alaska. Our dedicated Alaskan barter travel team not only books what you request at 100% trade when available, but also searches for unique barter services outside of Alaska that most travelers would of otherwise not known of. And while away from Alaska – on your barter trip, our travel department is just a phone call or email away. We are located in midtown, Anchorage, Alaska. We pride ourselves on providing top notch barter service for those away from Alaska, and for those using barter to visit Alaska. Our travel department has 24+ years of barter booking experience.

Please note that not all available barter services are available in Alaska – and the same choice restrictions our local Alaskan barter membership has is also felt worldwide when using barter to travel outside of Alaska.

Improved Lifestyle

Few Alaskan barter businesses run at 100 percent capacity. EOA offers Alaska businesses the ability to trade/barter their excess time, space, personnel or inventory for trade dollars (barter) that can then be spend with a wide Alaskan businesses and worldwide, instead of cash.

Improving your lifestyle by offsetting any of these expenses against new sales EOA brings you: as an Alaskan EOA merchant who uses barter you are able to access an exciting array of lifestyle enhancing opportunities for yourself, your staff and your family while improving your balance-sheet and reducing your overall cash outlay that would otherwise not be available.

People go into business for many reasons but one of the most compelling is the desire to enjoy a finer lifestyle. It doesn’t always work out that way. All too often businesses who do not barter, absorb most of their cash, and the business owner simply survives on what’s left. Frequently Alaskan employees live better than the business owner.

EOA offers business owners the ability to barter; to convert equity tied up in slow-moving bad assets into needed products and services. This process helps hundreds of Alaskan businesses to thrive by allowing the owner to barter, and thereby reallocate cash saved and letting Alaskan businesses purchase directly using barter credits received from additional and future barter sales.

For Alaskan families, vacations become a lot easier to justify at half the cost, or less by using barter, and EOA is able to offer Alaskan barter business owners a range of hotels, restaurants, car rentals, limos, tourist attractions and other entertainment options without the need for any additional cash outlay, through barter.


Non-EOA, Alaskan business owners have to rely upon Craigslist Anchorage to move excess inventory. With Craigslist and all one-on-one barter transactions a business has to desire what is offered in Craigslist Anchorage for the same value as their offering on Craigslist, and also wanting what is offered on Craigslist at the same time as the person offering what they are willing to trade / barter on Craigslist Anchorage for. And you are also on your own for any problems that may result from poor performance, delays, or non-performance of offerings on Craigslist and all other one-one-one barter transactions. As no one polices ads contents or the ethics of those who sell through Craigslist and other totally web-based barter sites. For this reason, and others, for the last 24 years hundreds of Alaska barter businesses trade/barter within EOA Commerce Network.

Our website is many times confused with Alaska's Barter Island, which is an island on the Aleutian Island chain; which naturally has nothing to do with this website, EOA, or craigslist Anchorage's barter.

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